i went to the shoe fair and all i got was one stinkin' pair of shoes.
talk about disappointing - at least for men. very few shoes to see and the ones that were there (other than hoorenbeck) were outrageously expensive. sorry, but L$1200 for a pair of shoes? there are too many other great designers out there that do not charge the same price as a skin for a pair of shoes to choose from.
but the ones i did get i do really like and am really impressed with the design and quality.
...where to go and what to get...
shape | OVERSON by .::MADesigns::.
skin | Ispachi - Trey - Mocha/Beard
eyes | pc eyes by LL - grey sea
ears | AITUI - (Type 2) Stretched Ears
hair | Exile - Akio - Dark Brownsshoes | *Kookie* Armarda - Dark Choc

sorry for not posting yesterday. i was having a really difficult time creating an outfit for the post. i kept trying to make it too complicated so today i went for simplicity and quality. you can beat the jeans as a staple of your inventory. but for me the best are the shoes. throw in a bit of unexpected fun with the pattern. not to mention a great argyle vest worn without a shirt for some sex appeal. :)...where to go and what to get...
shape | OVERSON by .::MADesigns::.
skin | Ispachi - Trey - Mocha/Beard
eyes | pc eyes by LL - shallow water
ears | AITUI - (Type 2) Stretched Ears
hair | Exile - Akio - Dark Brownsglasses | Kumaki Style Glasses - Smiley Bonevest | FIR Argyle Vest Light Grey
jeans | GearShift - Maverick Jeans ripped blackshoes | Jeepers Creepers - Dublin - Black Blossom

well, i've been a busy little bee making a new line of furniture for my store. i can honestly say i'm pretty happy with it. it is all metal frame furniture with industrial burlap cushions. my favorite part about this line is the 'lines' of the metal and how they correspond to each piece.
you can find all of my pieces at
... theo home ...
and don't forget to pick up the free gift.

good morning. i usually don't go ahead and wear one full outfit. i normally like to combine a bunch of pieces from other outfits but i came across this store thanks to another men's blog and i was very impressed by the pieces. it is probably one of the best gothic stores i have ever seen in sl. so for today i present AVid....where to go and what to get...
shape | OVERSON by .::MADesigns::.
skin | Ispachi - Trey - Mocha/Beard
eyes | pc eyes by LL - shallow water
hair | [Anaphora] - Weston - Browns
ears | AITUI - (Type 2) Stretched Ears
full outfit | AVid Gothic Clothing - Oxford Setshoes | *ordinary design* -Serval-

all i can say is wow and whoo hoo, they are back. if you don't know who or what chouchou is you need to.
the build is amazing, as always. and their music is great. you can actually find them on itunes too. it has been awhile since i've seen them around so i'm quite excited to have found them again.
if and when you go make sure to turn up your graphics to max and turn on your stream. and get ready to just relax and explore.
momento mori

whoo hoo. the a/c repairman is coming today.
i always hope they will be cute but then they turn out to be old rolley polley men with hideous plumber butt.they bend over and there it is. you can't stop looking though. it is like a train wreck. it has hypnotizing powers our parents never told us about.
maybe i should call my therapist now and warn them i'll be needing some intense therapy after the repairman leaves....where to go and what to get...
shape | OVERSON by .::MADesigns::.
skin | Ispachi - Trey - Mocha/Beard
eyes | pc eyes by LL - shallow water
hair | [Anaphora] - Weston - Browns
ears | AITUI - (Type 2) Stretched Ears
tophat | Curio Obscura - Top Hat - Blackgloves | SiniStyle Taped Fistshirt/tie | AOHARU - BT - Pinstripe - FormalSuit - Black
coveralls | HellBop - Joe - Gray
belt | SiniStyle 'Saddle Bags' Belt - Blackshoes | Rot Test Boots
of course it is monday and as monday's go it has turned out to be not the best in the world. i woke up to the a/c being broken. of course this happens during the hotest month of the year. so like my outfit here, minus the shoes, i am sitting around rl with very little on and trying to stay cool. maybe i'll just head to the pool for the rest of the day and ignore the situation and hope it goes away! ;)...where to go and what to get...
shape | OVERSON by .::MADesigns::.
skin | Ispachi - Trey - Mocha/Beard
eyes | pc eyes by LL - shallow water
hair | Exile - Akio - Dark Browns
ears | AITUI - (Type 2) Stretched Ears
tattoo | Mynerva Tattoo Dragon Trinity Full Body
pants | Marinesta 071 Champloo Pants Black
shoes | SOREAL City Steps Sneakers 3 Colors